Freshman Retreat: What does it mean to be a Brothers’ boy?
As students begin their experience at CBHS, they hear the term Brothers’ boy repeatedly to describe their status. This retreat will focus on defining what that means from the perspective of the Lasallian Core Principles—Faith in the Presence of God, Quality Education, Inclusive Community, Respect for All Persons, and Concern for the Poor and Social Justice. Through activities, talks from upperclassmen, and small group discussions, students will discuss how these principles impact all we do as Brothers’ boys. There will be community building activities as well as times for prayer and reflection throughout the day. Students will also participate in an explanatory Mass with Msgr. McArthur.
Sophomore Retreat: What do I believe and how do I live out those beliefs?
Students will be encouraged to consider their beliefs and what they value and how those beliefs and values impact their actions daily. Through small group discussions, they will reflect on their own faith traditions and the way those traditions shape their beliefs and share with their peers. Adults and peers will give witness talks reflecting on Scripture and other texts to examine how we are called to live our lives and treat others. Various activities and reflections will encourage students to view each other as brothers and treat each other accordingly.
Senior Retreat: Who am I? And who will I be as I prepare for graduation?
During the retreat, students have the opportunity to reflect on their lives and their relationships—particularly with themselves, their friends, and family—and the role their faith plays in those relationships as they prepare to leave high school and embark on the next stage of their lives.