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Christian Brothers High School

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Campus Ministry

Student Ministry

Juniors and seniors at CBHS have the opportunity to work with the Campus Ministry team to help create, plan, organize, and execute on- and off-campus ministry events. They assist in the development of school-wide prayer services and lead worship activities.
They also serve as small group leaders during the sophomore retreat and are trained as ministers to serve at Masses as altar servers, lectors, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These students actively and consistently work to strengthen their own faith so that they can lead other students in their faith formation.

Year-Round Opportunities for Faith Formation


Throughout the school year we reflect on the Five Core Principles of Lasallian Education, seeking to manifest them in the lives of the CBHS community through their respective virtues. Virtues are the firm and habitual dispositions to do the good. For each core principle, the first virtue is applied to form the personal and interior disposition that embodies the spirit of that core principle, and the second virtue is concerned with practically exercising the core principle in our daily actions. Each month, our school's prayers, advisory activities, and school Masses focus on a different virtue to form students in the way of life of a Brothers’ Boy.

5 Core Principles of Lasallian Education

Lasallian Education centers on Catholic values and personal relationships, emphasizing academic excellence, faith formation, inclusion, respect for the individual, service, and social justice. A Lasallian Education strives to enrich each student’s cultural, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual development.

Today, the Lasallian Community, the ongoing home of De La Salle’s tradition and spirit, is alive and functioning in more than 1,000 educational institutions around the world. The De La Salle Christian Brothers, along with 100,000 Lasallian lay colleagues, serve more than 1,000,000 students and their families worldwide. Here in the United States, there are more than 100 Lasallian educational institutions. Christian Brothers University is one of the six Lasallian colleges and universities in the United States.

Read More about Lasallian Traditions

All Hail The Christian Brothers Purple Wave

Our teams provide an opportunity for students from all walks of life to come together and learn the true value of integrity, teamwork, accountability, and cooperation. We value how involvement in athletics can positively impact a student's academic performance.


Discover all the Brotherhood has to offer!

From rigorous academics and competitive athletics, to student leadership and co-curriculars, to community service and spiritual growth, opportunities abound here. Discover why the student experience at Christian Brothers High School is unlike any other.



See what's cooking in Heffernan Hall today!

We partner with SAGE Dining Services to provide wholesome, substantial meal options for our students. Nothing brings boys together like a great meal so it comes as no surprise that lunch is an integral part of the student experience at Christian Brothers High School.