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Christian Brothers High School

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Curriculum To Fit The Student Body

In keeping with St. John Baptist de La Salle’s mission, Christian Brothers High School offers a comprehensive academic program to a widely diverse group of learners. Our socioeconomic and intellectual diversity are a real asset for our boys as they prepare for adult life.

Students are counseled every year to take challenging curriculum that will provide them with a proper foundation for any college and career he may wish to pursue.

Throughout their years at CBHS, each student and his family are guided through the college selection process with group sessions and one-on-one guidance to prepare appropriately and make informed, realistic decisions for his post-secondary plans.

With the understanding that our students begin from widely diverse bases of knowledge, our focus is to afford each student the opportunity to reach his fullest potential in their chosen field. Outside of the Core Curriculum, students are required to take 11 1/2 units of Elective Courses to help cement their interests and provide a jump start towards their college careers. 

Elective Courses

The comprehensive, college-preparatory CBHS curriculum provides flexibility for individuals' abilities by offering courses on multiple levels.

De La Salle Scholars

The honors program at CBHS gathers a community of the most gifted and dedicated students to hold each other to the highest standards of academic achievement and leadership. The De La Salle Scholars are a group of boys bound together with common goals of serving the community and supporting one another in achieving extraordinary academic accomplishments. Members of this program will have the opportunity to take a wide range of AP and collegiate dual-enrollment classes throughout their four years.

Read more about our dls scholars

CBHS Graduation Requirements

4 units of Religion or Ethics

4 units of English

4 units of Mathematics

3 units of Social Studies (including U.S. History)

3 units of Science

1 unit of Fine Arts

1 unit of Wellness

1/2 unit of Economics

11 1/2 units of Electives

80 hours of Service