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Christian Brothers High School

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Counseling & Student Support

The Counseling Department at Christian Brothers High School offers a variety of services to students and parents alike. Upon enrollment, incoming students are assigned a primary counselor who provides academic, personal, and career counseling. Additionally, in their junior year, students are assigned a college counselor to facilitate the college admissions process. During a student’s senior year, he primarily meets with his college counselor, but his primary counselor remains available for any personal or academic concerns that may arise.

Upcoming Counseling Events

Our counselors are partners in student achievement and meet regularly with students to assess and monitor academic progress. Counselors are also available to support students in addressing personal, social-emotional issues, or anything that affects the student and his ability to achieve to his fullest potential. Counselors often use a collaborative approach involving the student, his parents, faculty, and professionals in the community as needed to support his learning and development. Students may be referred by teachers and parents, or a student may self-refer by requesting an appointment via email or by filing out a request for appointment in the CBHS Counseling Center at McCourtney Hall.

A student's counselor may be found on his profile using the myCBHS portal. Parents are encouraged to contact their son’s counselor to discuss matters of concern or to schedule appointments. The Counseling Center also welcomes walk-ins!

"Our Counseling Department goes above and beyond to support the whole student. We establish a relationship with each of them to guide them through every aspect of a Brothers' Boy's life."

Erin Brick, CBHS Learning Specialist

During junior year, students are assigned a college counselor to facilitate the college admissions process; however, students are encouraged to begin thinking about their college plan beginning their Freshman year.

The Counseling Department at CBHS has created a College Planning Curriculum which begins in the 9th grade with academic advising and standardized testing that continues with both individual and group college counseling through their senior year. Our College Counselors are committed to helping students navigate the college search process to find a higher education institution that best meets their needs and abilities: academically, socially, philosophically, and economically.


Available for auditory learners, those who learn best through listening, Learning Ally is designed to bridge the gap between a student’s ability to decode text and their capacity to understand the content. For more details, contact Mrs. Brick at

Year-round academic support is available during a student's study hall.

For access to more resources for students, visit the myCBHS portal.


Discover all the Brotherhood has to offer!

From rigorous academics and competitive athletics, to student leadership and extracurriculars, to community service and spiritual growth, opportunities abound here. Discover why the student experience at Christian Brothers High School is unlike any other.


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Meet Our Counseling Team

Janet Hill

Director of Counseling & Student Services, Academic Counselor

Jessica Morris

Academic & College Counselor/In-Class Guidance Coordinator

Erin Brick

Learning Specialist and Accommodations Coordinator

Brittany Chipman

Learning Specialist

Mike Skirius

Academic Counselor, Mental Health Coordinator

Vicki Anderson

Records Coordinator

Mia Marshall

College Counselor, NCAA Coordinator, and Peer Tutoring Coordinator

Anthony Trimboli

Academic Counselor, De La Salle Scholars Coordinator

Ashley Turnage

College Counseling Coordinator, College Counselor, AP & Dual Enrollment Coordinator